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Conference papers – 2010

The VEAM 2010 programme committee received the following submitted papers for VEAM 2010.

  1. Arnaud Reynaud(Toulouse School of Economics (LERNA-INRA), France), “Sequential sharing of a resource: an experimental investigation.”
  2. Đào Nguyên Thắng(Vietnam Center for Economic and Policy Research (VEPR), Vietnam), “Overlapping generation’s economy, environmental externalities, and taxation.”
  3. Lê Quang Thanh(School of Economics – The University of Queensland, Australia)Arnaud Reynaud(Toulouse School of Economics (LERNA-INRA), France), “Sequential sharing of a resource: an experimental investigation.”
  4. Lê Văn Cường(National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France), “Existence, Optimality and Dynamics of Equilibria with Endogenous Time Preference.”
  5. Lê Đức Niêm(Department of Economics, Tay Nguyen University, Vietnam), “Freeware as an advertisement.”
  6. Nguyễn Đức Nhật(Development and Policies Research Center (DEPOCEN), Vietnam), “The Impact of the Economic Stimulus on Domestic, Private Enterprises.”
  7. Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng(Toulouse School of Economics (LERNA-INRA), France), “Endogenous technological progress for natural resources economics and climate change analysis.”
  8. Nguyễn Thị Hà Trang(Student of Foreign Trade University, Vietnam), “An inquiry into the determinants of Vietnamese product export.”
  9. Phan Trần Trung Dũng(Faculty of Banking and Finance – Foreign Trade University, Vietnam), “Investment Dartboard” Revisited – Implications for an Efficient Vietnamese Market?”
  10. Nguyễn Thị Thục Uyên(International Network for Studies in Technology, Environment, Alternatives, Development (CEPS/INSTEAD)), “The Relationship between Innovation and Productivity conditional to R&D and ICT use. An empirical analysis for firms in Luxembourg.”
  11. Nguyễn Vân Hà(University of Orleans, France), “The determinants of the Vietnamese economics competitiveness, a lesson for developing countries.”
  12. Partha Chatterjee(National University of Singapore), “Democracy and Growth Volatility: Exploring the Links.”
  13. Phạm Đức Hiếu(University of Commerce, Vietnam), “Control and Performance of Strategic Alliances in Emerging Countries: The Case of International Joint Ventures in Vietnam.”
  14. Phạm Song Hạnh(Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, UK), “Export marketing responsibility.”
  15. Phạm Hoàng Văn(Baylor University, US and Visiting Fulbright Scholar University of Economics in HCMC), “Wal-Mart as Catalyst to U.S.-China Trade.”
  16. Võ Thị Quý(University of Economics of Hochiminh City, Vietnam), “Organizational culture of privatized firms and state- owned enterprises in Vietnam.”
  17. Yasushi UEKI(Bangkok Research Center, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE/JETRO)), “Technology Transfer to Vietnam through Engineer Exchanges under “China plus One” Strategy: Firm-level Evidence.”
  18. Lê Hồng Nhật(University of Economics and Law, HCMC National University), “Presentation on An evolutionary approach for financial forecast.”
  19. Trần Thị Kim Thu, Nguyễn Hữu Chí, Trần Thị Bích(National Economics University), “Informality, business outcomes and heterogeneity among rural non-farm household enterprises in Vietnam: an application of multivariate analysis.”
  20. Đỗ Thị Bình, Dept. of Strategic Management, Vietnam University of Commerce, “Using Fuzzy TOPSIS Method for Assessing Competitiveness of Foreign and Local Supermarket Chains in Vietnamese Market.”