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Conference Program – VEAM 2017

The tenth Vietnam Economist Annual Meeting

VEAM 2017
on 1st – 2nd,  August 2017

Banking University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


 You can download the Preface with Conference Program and abstracts of papers here.

Welcome reception:

                                                 Date: July 31st, 2017, 18:30 – 21:00

                                                Place: Main Hall B2A Corridor  


Tuesday, August 1st 2017

Location: Main Hall B2A – Banking University Ho Chi Minh City

36 Ton That Dam, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam 

08: 00 – 08: 30 Registration
08:30 – 09:00 Welcome addresses
09: 00- 10:00 Plenary session 1 – Room: Main Hall B2A

Prof. Ngo Van Long (McGill University) : Equilibrium contributions to public goods in the presence of Kantian and Non-Kantian contributor

Chair: Prof. Tran Nam Binh (The University of New South Wales)

10: 15 – 10:30 Break

Room: 4th – 5th floor Corridor


10: 30 – 12:30 Parallel sessions I
Session 1: Room B4A, DFAT session (Australia Awards Fellowships 2016)

Chairperson: Tran Nam Binh (The University of New South Wales, Australia)

  • Le Hoang Long, Gender difference in access to finance: does it matter in Vietnamese small and medium enterprises?
  • Nguyen Thi Xuan Linh, Estimating the extra cost of living for people with disability: some budgetary implications for Danang City
  • Nguyen Ngoc-Minh, Determinants of individual’s well-being: Does social capital matter?
  • Do Bich Hong, The interest rate channel of SBV’s monetary policy: An empirical analysis

Session 2: Room B4B, Trade; Trade and consequences

Chairperson: Phi Minh Hong, (University of Kent, UK)

  • Phi Minh Hong, Real exchange rate and export diversification: How do financial crises shape the causation?
  • Tran Thi Thanh Hai, Why don’t all export firms conduct corporate social responsibility (CSR)?

Session 3: Room B4C Education, Children Development

Chairperson: Tran Thi Anh Dao (University of Rouen, France)

  • Tran Thi Anh Dao, The long walk to knowledge: on the determinants of higher education mobility to Europe
  • Robert Rogers, Early childhood education and cognitive outcomes in adolescence: A longitudinal study from Vietnam
  • Sachiko Miyata, Returns to education in Indonesia and Vietnam: Sectoral difference
  • Tran Thi Kieu Oanh, The effects of economic shocks to households on children development: An evidence from China

Session 4: Room B4D, Monetary Policy

Chairperson: Bui Duy Hung (Banking Academy, Vietnam)

  • Le Thanh Ha, Monetary policy and welfare issues in the economy with shifting trend inflation
  • Bui Duy Hung, Financial inclusion and the effectiveness of monetary policy in Vietnam: An empirical analysis
  • Nguyen Huynh Doan Trang, The relationship between monetary policy and stock market: Evidence in Vietnam

Session 5: Room B5A, Gender, Communities

Chairperson: Van Tran (University of Economics and Law, Vietnam)

  • Ma Doan Hai, Double discrimination against migrant females in urban areas: Evidence from urban poverty survey 2009 and 2012
  • Huynh Anh Chi Thai, Community involvement in developing community-based tourism. a case study of Vietnam’s central highlands
  • Van Tran, Gender inequality in Vietnam: Providing insights using longitudinal data and multidimensional approach
  • Vu Hoang Dat, Impacts of minimum wages on employment and wage distribution in Vietnam: Gender and age perspectives

Session 6: Room B5C, Labor, Productivity

Chairperson: Nguyen Tu Anh (State Bank of Vietnam)

  • Nguyen Tu Anh, Surplus unskilled labor trap in an open developing economy – the case of Vietnam
  • Hoa Do, High performance work systems & performance: The mediating role of trust and creativity
  • Nguyen Huu Van Phuoc, Small and medium enterprises’ labor productivity in Vietnam: A firm – level investigation

Session 7: Room B5D, International Trade

Chairperson: Nguyen Tran Phuc (Banking University HCMC)

  • Vo The Anh, Exchange rate volatility and disaggregated manufacturing exports: Evidence from Vietnam
  • Nguyen Tran Phuc, Exchange rate policy and the external trade competitiveness of Vietnam: 1992-2014

Session 8: Room B5E, Education, Formation, governance

Chairperson: Do Thanh Huyen (UNDP Vietnam)

  • Padmini Iyer, Introduction to the Young Lives data
  • Caine Rolleston, Padmini Iyer, Beyond the basics: Access and equity in the expansion of post-compulsory schooling in Vietnam
  • Do Thanh Huyen, Trends in national and provincial governance performance in Vietnam from 2011-2016
  • Anh Tran, Parental monetary investment and child capability formation
12: 30 – 14:00 Lunch

Room: Main Hall B2A Corridor

14:00 – 15:00 Plenary sessions 2 – Room: Main Hall B2A

Dr. Norman V. Loayza (Lead Economist, World Bank): Informality in the Process of development and Growth

Chair: Prof. Pham Hoang Van (Baylor University)

15:00 – 15:30 Break

Room: 4th – 5th floor Corridor

15:30 – 17:30 Parallel sessions II
Session 9: Room B4A, Environment

Chairperson: Nguyen Manh Hung (Toulouse School of Economics, France)

  • Nguyen Viet Thanh, SMEs and green products diversification strategy: the role of stakeholders
  • Manh Hung Nguyen, Evaluating economic impacts of climate change on capture fisheries in Vietnam
  • Thang Dao, The gender gap in education investment and the demographic transition in developing countries: Theory and Evidence
  • Session 10: Room B4B Energy, Infrastructure

Chairperson: Minh Ha Duong (CNRS, France)

  • Minh Ha Duong, Is electricity affordable and reliable for all in Vietnam?
  • Tien Viet Nguyen, Hydropower generation, flood control and cascade effect: A national assessment for Vietnam
  • Le Thi Yen, The impacts of infrastructure costs to investment capital attraction of enterprises in industrial parks: Research in Thai Nguyen province

Session 11: Room B4C, Economic Policy, Households

Chairperson: Nguyen Van Thinh (Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam)

  • Hoang Diep Phan, Measurements of true income: do PWT, UQICD and WDI behave similarly?
  • Le Thanh Ha, Consequences of inconsistent policy implementation in a developing country
  • Nguyen Van Thinh, Analysis of factors affecting the income of households making products: A case study of Ha Long Grilled Squid – Quang Ninh province
  • Pham Thi Tuyet Trinh, Inflation in ASEAN countries: the impacts of common and idiosyncratic factors

Session 12 Room B4D, Issues on FDI, International Trade

Chairperson: Ngo Ngoc Quang (FTU, HCMC Campus, Vietnam)

  • Cao Thi Hong Vinh, The effect of FDI on inequality-adjusted HDI (IHDI) in Asian countries
  • Ngo Ngoc Quang, Distributional effects of foreign direct investment on poverty: The case of Vietnam
  • Pham Dinh Long, Financial Constraints and Export Decision: Evidence from Vietnamese Manufacturing listed firms

Session 13: Room B5A, Risks Insurance

Chairperson: Arnaud Reynaud (Toulouse School of Economics, France)

  • Arnaud Reynaud, Is there a demand for flood insurance in Vietnam? Results from a choice experiment
  • Tam Tran, Bank competition and liquidity risk: The case of BRICs countries
  • Huynh Ha Bao Tran, Measuring the money laundering risk from individual customers and its determinants – The case of Vietnamese commercial banks
  • Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan, Accrual quality, information risk, stock return and asset pricing: Evidence from Vietnamese stock market” to better fit with the content

Session 14 Room B5C, Risks, Insurance, Financial Crisis

Chairperson: Cecile Aubert (University of Bordeaux and TSE, France)

  • Cecile Aubert, Providing for others can make altruistic risk-averse individuals act as risk-lovers
  • Tuan Van Quang, Sectoral risks in Vietnam and Malaysia
  • Dinh Tri Vo, On the characteristics of the ERM-adopted EU insurers
  • Ly Dai Hung, Global imbalances with safe assets in a monetary union

Session 15 Room B5D, Banking System, Capital Structure

Chairperson: Vinh Dang (University of Macau, Macau)

  • Nhung Nguyen, Analyze the determinants of capital structure for Vietnamese real estate listed companies
  • Vinh Dang, Shadow banking and investment: Evidence from credit intermediation of non-financial firms in China
  • Kieu Cong Bao Tran, Bank financing and corporate governance empirical evidence from Vietnam
  • Vu Thanh Tung, The measurement of factors affecting rate of returns of joint- stock commercial banks listed in Vietnam stock market



Conference Dinner

Place: Main Hall B2A Corridor

Wednesday, August, 2nd 2017

08: 30 – 09:30 Plenary session 3 – Room Main Hall B2B

Prof. Vu Minh Khuong (National University of Singapore): The new economy, digital transformation, growth effects and policy challenges

Chair : Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Anh (Chief Economist, DEPOCEN)

09: 30 – 09:45 Break

Room: 4th – 5th floor Corridor

9:45 – 11:45 Parallel session III
Session 16: Room B4A, Foreign Firms, FDI

Chairperson: Nguyen Quynh Huy (National Academy of Public Administration, Vietnam)

  • Vu Thi Phuong Mai, On the relative performance of domestic and foreign-owned manufacturing firms in Vietnam
  • Thanh Loan Nguyen, Assessment of the relationship between foreign ownership and firm performance on Vietnamese listed companies
  • Nguyen Quynh Huy, Foreign direct investment and income convergence: Evidence from provinces of Vietnam
  • Hoang Chi Cuong, Identifying the factors inducing foreign direct investment inflows into ASEAN countries

Session 17: Room B4B, Education

Chairperson: Dang Thang (The University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)

  • Nguyen Son Kien, Does microcredit influence parent’s decision to send a child to school or to work? Evidence from Vietnamese rural households
  • Thang Dang, Education as protection? The effect of schooling on non-wage compensation in a developing country
  • Nguyen Thi Hai Yen, Evaluate financial literacy of Vietnamese students in higher education and its determinants – The need of financial education
  • Duong Duc Dai, Return to education in contemporary Vietnam

Session 18: Room B4C, Human Resources

Chairperson: Hung Trong Hoang (Hue College of Economics, Vietnam)

  • Le Thai Phong, High performance human resource system, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior: A mediating model in Vietnamese context
  • Khuong Truong, Information and communication technology skills shortages in Canada: Is immigration a solution?
  • Toan Nguyen, Immigration misallocation: Evidence from Australia
  • Hung Trong Hoang, Will I stay or will I go? Investigating the re-entry process of Vietnamese returnee government scholars

Session 19: Room B4D, Risks, Obesity

Chairperson: Pham Khanh Nam (The University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)

  • Pham Khanh Nam, Prevalence and correlates of body overweight and obesity among primary schoolchildren in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Tran Phu Ngoc, Measuring market risks for industries in Vietnam: the VaR and CVaR approaches
  • Nguyen Thi Bao Tran, Integrating risks into bank efficiency measurement: Empirical study in Asean

Session 20: Room B5B, Food, Agriculture

Chairperson: Michel Simioni (University of Monpellier, France)

  • Trinh Thi Huong, Impact of socioeconomic factors on nutritional diet in Vietnam from 2004 to 2014: New insights using compositional data analysis
  • Michel Simioni, Decomposition of changes in the consumption of macronutrients in Vietnam between 2004 and 2014
  • Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen, Optimal rice land protection in a command economy
  • Phuong Dung Le, Analysis of cassava varietal adoption in Vietnam using DNA fingerprinting approach

Session 21: Room B5C

Chairperson: Nguyen Thi Thuc Uyen (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Luxembourg)

  • Nguyen Thi Thuc Uyen, Age diversity and firm’s technological innovation: The role of HRM practices
  • Vu Thi Hong Nhung, Entrepreneurial network and financial access of small and medium enterprises in Vietnam
  • Jiaming Soh, Employment multipliers over the business cycle
  • Nguyen Phuong Lien, Tax revenue, expenditure, and economic growth: An analysis of long-run relationships

Session 22: Room B5D, Conflicts, Regulation, Uncertainty

Chairperson: Pham Hoang Van (Baylor University, USA)

  • Phan Thi Van, Short-term and long-term impact of war on the economic performance: Evidence from Vietnam
  • Pham Hoang Van, The long-term effects of the Rwandan genocide on child labor
  • Nguyen Xuan Hai, Too big to fail: Toward optimal regulation
11: 45 – 13:00




Room: Main Hall B2A Corridor`

Presentation of AVSE projects

13:15 – 14:15 Plenary session 4 – Room Main Hall B2B

Prof. Nguyen Duc Khuong (IPAG Business School): Fiscal policy in a liquidity trap at the zero lower bound

Chair: Prof. Nguyen Tran Phuc (Banking University of HCMC)

14:15 – 14:45 Break

Room : 4th floor, 5th floor Corridor


14:45 – 16:45 Parallel session IV

Session 23: Room B4A, Firms Management, Knowledge Management

Chairperson: Tran Thi Phuong Thuy (Foreign Trade University HCMC Campus, Vietnam)

  • Ho Hong Hai, The developed target, the emerging bidder and the management hubris in cross-border M&A
  • Pham Manh Hung, Analysis of factors affecting the management capacity of small and medium enterprise directors under the management functions: A case study in Hai Phong city
  • Tran Thi Phuong Thuy, Relation between knowledge of Asean economic community (AEC) and perceived threats/opportunities of youth in Vietnam

Session 24: Room B4B Stock market, Finance

Chairperson: Thach Ngoc Pham (HCMC Open University, Vietnam)

  • Thach Ngoc Pham, Cross-section expected return of stocks: New evidence from the Vietnamese stock market
  • Nguyen Cong Thanh, The relationship between stock return and exchange rate volatility in 6 ASEAN markets: A Markov switching approach
  • Van Hung Quyen, Control of emerging-market target, abnormal stock return: Evidence in Vietnam
  • Nguyen Cong Thang, Is beta still alive in the Asia Pacific Region?

Session 25: Room B4C, Financial Issues

Chairperson: Nguyen Van Anh (Da Lat University, Vietnam)

  • Nguyen Van Anh, Effects of consumer perception of CRS activities and technology acceptance on intention to adopt mobile banking: Evidence in Vietnam
  • Pham Thi Hien, Collateral requirements, capital flows, and welfare: A general equilibrium approach
  • Nguyen Dinh Uong, The role of financial reporting quality in the access to bank debt: An empirical research of listed enterprise in Vietnam

Session 26: Room B4D, Corruption, Institution, Law

Chairperson: Michael Palmer (RMIT Hanoi university, Vietnam)

  • Nguyen Thi Hai Ninh, The gaps between written law and practice: A case study of Vetnamese labour law on craft workers
  • Le Trung Nhan, Any links between economic performance and institutional quality? Evidence from Vietnam provinces and cities
  • Michael Palmer, Are employment protection laws for disabled people effective in a developing country? Evidence from Cambodia
  • Tran Nam Binh, How petty tax corruption impacts on private sector innovation in Vietnam

Session 27: Room B5B, Growth

Chairperson: Nguyen Thi Canh (University of Economics and Law, Vietnam)

  • Nguyen Thi Canh, Effect of public investment on private investment and economic growth: Evidence from Vietnam by economic industries
  • Ha Huy Thai, On the maximin principle & the rate of discount: a simple dynamic programming argument

Session 28: Room B5C, Governance, Public Policy, Public Good

Chairperson: Bach Nguyen (Aston University, UK)

  • Bach Nguyen, Local governance and business performance in Vietnam: transaction costs perspective
  • Dang Phi Truong, The impact of organizations and state policies to self-employment activities of youth in area of land revoked in Thai Nguyen
  • Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen, The impact of credit policy on rice production in Myanmar: A fuzzy regression discontinuity design approach
  • Cu Thanh Thuy, Solutions for promoting investment and development activities into road traffic infrastructure

Session 29: Room B5E Quantitative Methods

Chairperson: John Luke Gallup (Portland State University)

  • Le Van Chon, Smoothing spline as a guide to elaborate explanatory modeling
  • Pham Vo Ninh Binh, Financial distress and bankruptcy prediction: An appropriate model for listed firms in Vietnam
  • John Luke Gallup, Testing for breaks in repeated surveys