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Conference papers – 2022

The VEAM 2022 was successfully organized at Foreign Trade University, Hanoi on 22nd – 24th November 2022. Below is the list of academic papers presented at this year’s conference.

NumberAuthor(s)OrganizationPaper title
1Estelle DauchyCTFKIntroduction to tax modelling: theory, necessary data, important terms and key parameters
2Vid AdisonTobacco tax modelling in Indonesia
3Rijo JohnTax modelling/simulation model in India
4Tran Nam BinhUNSW SydneyAssessing Vietnam’s tax incentives policy in the context of the Global Minimum Tax Proposal
5Le Van CuongPSE, CNRSUsing technology and human capital to overcome poverty traps and middle-income traps
6Stefano Bosi
Carmen Camacho
University Paris-Saclay
Economic fluctuations
7Nguyen Van PhuEconomiX, University Paris Nanterre, FranceNon-monetary interventions promoting sustainable behaviours
8Petra E. Todd
Jere R. Behrman, Susan W. Parker, and Weilong Zhang
University of PennsylvaniaProspering through Prospera: A Dynamic Model of CCT Impacts on Educational Attainment and Achievement in Mexico
9Paul GlewweUniversity of MinnesotaThe role of education in economic growth and labour markets
10Paul Glewwe
Zoe James, Jongwook Lee, Caine Rolleston, Khoa Vu
University of MinnesotaWhat Explains Vietnam’s Exceptional Performance in Education Relative to Other Countries? Analysis of the Young Lives Data from Ethiopia, Peru, India (Andhra Pradesh) and Vietnam. 
11Sonya KrutikovaUniversity of Manchester
Institute for Fiscal Studies
Impacts of schools and teachers on primary school-age children’s development of cognitive and non-cognitive skills
12Nguyet TranWorld BankFor Vietnam: An invitation to build a research network on human capital development and socioeconomic mobility
13Jean-Claude DL MaswanaRitsumeikan UniversityEconomic growth effects of Sino-Vietnamese and African bilateral trade on African countries
14Ho Thi Hoai Thuong and Nguyen Thi HongFTUThe direct and spillover effect of public investment on economic growth and convergence in the southern key economic region: An application of the spatial regression model
15Ly Dai HungVietnam Institute of EconomicsEconomic Convergence with Safe Assets
16Hoang Chi CuongUniversity of Management and TechnologyThe relationship between population growth and economic growth: The case of Vietnam
17Nguyen Thi Lan Anh
Manh-Hung Nguyen, Arnaud Reynaud, and Michel Simioni
Banking Academy of VietnamIncorporating spatial heterogeneity in coastal erosion management policy valuation
18Nguyen Thi MuiVictoria University of WellingtonPerception and adaptation of farmers to drought: the case of three provinces in Vietnam
19Hoang Xuan Binh, Pham Huong Giang, Nguyen Ha My, Nguyen Minh Tien and Lai Thi Huyen TrangFTUExploring the linkage of international trade and environmental pollution among Asian countries
20Nguyen Khanh HangNEUDry shocks and birth outcomes in Togo
21Tran Thi Hue and Miho MurashimaFTUPreliminary results of a study on the mediating effect of innovation on the influence of CSR on competitiveness: Case study from Vietnam
22Nguyen Thi Hoa Hong, Nguyen Tien Dat, and Pham Minh ThuFTUThe impact of corporate social responsibility on financial constraints in Vietnam 
23Nguyen Van Ha and Nguyen Thanh LongFTUCorporate environmental disclosure and firm risk: New empirical evidence from a transitional economy
24Nguyen Thi Lien Huong, Ha Nguyen Ngoc Linh, Nghiem Thi Thanh Hoa and Nguyen Pham Hai DangNEUResearch on the impact of performance appraisal, reward system, and environmental awareness on in-role green behaviour of employees
25Nguyen Thi Lien Huong and Ha Ngoc ThangNEUClosing the gap between intention and behavior of e-wallet users in Vietnam
26Nguyen Thuy Quynh, Do Duy Tien, Chu Ngoc MaiFTUImpact of digital economy on employment structure
27Tran Minh ThuFTUResearch on the model of the innovative startup ecosystem in Vietnam and lessons learned from some countries around the world
28Pham Thi My Dung and Tran Minh PhươngFTUFactors affecting shopping online activities on Lazada e-commerce exchange of office staffs in Hanoi during the Covid-19, recommendations for Lazada in the post-Covid-19
29Pham Thanh NgaFPT UniversityA new trend of investment in Vietnam: Fin-Tech
30Nguyen Viet Thanh, Michel Simioni , and Vo Trung HungINRAE, Montpellier, and TSE, ToulouseClimate adaptive response of rice yield in Vietnam: New insight through panel data modelling with heterogeneous slopes
31Yen Boi HaETHZThe impact of tropical cyclones on informal employment: The case of Vietnam
32Hai Hong TrinhMassey UniversityNavigating through policy uncertainty in the era of climate change toward sustainable transition: the roles of investments in energy efficiency and technological innovations
33Doan Thi Thanh Thuy
Matthias Fripp, and Michael Roberts
Fulbright VietnamAre we building too much natural gas pipeline? A comparison of actual US expansion of pipeline to an optimized model of the interstate network
34Do Thanh HuyenUNDPCitizen assessment of local governance and public administration performance in 2021 and over time in Viet Nam through PAPI  
35Paul SchulerUniversity of ArizonaPosition congruity bias: Why voters in developing countries may be particularly biased against women as village leaders
36Ngo Thi Thu HaCenter for Education Promotion and Empowerment of WomenLocal governments’ performance in disclosing information about district land-use plans and provincial land pricing frameworks: a 2021 Review   
37Professor Quoc-Anh DoDepartment of Economics, Monash University, AustraliaAstrology and Matrimony: Social Reinforcement of Religious Beliefs on Marriage Matching in Vietnam
38Judy YangWorld BankReview of variations and inequities in human capital formation in Vietnam  
39Nguyet Tran
with Dorsati Madani, Hoang The Nguyen
World BankUniversity, Science and Innovation Policy, and Economic Growth in Vietnam
40Dung DoanWorld BankWhere do Vietnamese workers go? Occupational trends and skills demand in a changing environment  
41Bach Ngoc ThangNEUTrade credit and on-the-job training in small and medium enterprises  
42Thanh Le Quoc, Cuong Le Van, Van-Quy NguyenPSE, CNRSIs carbon taxation compatible with output growth?
43Le Van Cuong, Pham Ngoc Sang, Pham Thi Kim CuongEM Normandie Business SchoolDevelopment loans, poverty trap, and economic dynamics
44Phan Dang Duy AnhSolvay Brussels School of Economics and ManagementClean government? A three-tier asymmetric information model of carbon leakage through corruption
45Estelle DauchyCampaign for Tobacco Free KidsThe price and cross-price elasticity of heated tobacco products and cigarette demands  
46Vid AdrisonIdentifying effective tax policies to reduce cigarette consumption: cross country empirical evidence  
47Le Thi ThuModelling the expected impact of cigarette tax and price increases under Viet Nam’s excise tax law 2015- 2020  
48Nguyen Ngoc Minh, Vo Mai Huong and Nguyen Ngoc AnhDEPOCENEstimating the pass-through rate for tobacco taxation in Vietnam.  
49Ho Quoc Thong, Nguyen Trung Thanh, Nguyen Thi Phuong LinhUniversity of Economics and Law, VNU-HCMCan nudging promote solidarity perception and behavior during a crisis?
50Đỗ Ngọc Kiên, Nguyễn Trang Thục Anh, Hà Mai Linh, Nguyễn Thị Phương Dung, Đỗ Trần Minh, Ngọc, Hoàng Huyền Trang, Nguyễn Hoàng TuấnFTUApplication of behavioral economics in boosting Vietnamese users’s purchase decision on e-commerce platform
51Nguyen Minh Thanh, Phạm Trần Khánh Linh, Nguyễn Lê Hạnh Linh, Trần Yến Linh, Trương Đại Hiệp, Đoàn Hồng Minh, Trịnh Lê Trang Nhung and Do Ngoc KienFTUAn experimental study: Influence of anchoring effect on online purchasing price judgment of generation Z
52Nguyen Gia TanDEPOCENSalience theory and the cross-section of stock returns in emerging market: Empirical evidence from Vietnam
53Nguyen Thi Khanh Chi, Vu Hoang NamFTUEffects of competitive pressure, future perspective, and market uncertainty on adoption of artificial intelligence in an emerging economy
54Nguyen Thi Kim NganFTUThe role of ESOP, climate for innovation, and corporate governance on innovative behaviors: An empirical study in an emerging economy
55Bui Viet HaMassey University, New ZealandModelling supply chain sustainability: A case study in New Zealand forestry
56Le Thi Tu Oanh, Nguyen Thi Linh, Pham Thi Hong NhungUniversity of Labour and Social AffairsThe usage and perceived merit of customer accounting in enterprises of Vietnam
57Akihiko Yanase and Ngo Van LongNagoya UniversityTrade costs, infrastructure, and dynamics in a global economy  
58Le Duc Niem and Taegi KimTay Nguyen UniversityTrade of vertically differentiated products, quality improvement, and welfare
59Cong Pham and Hoa NguyenDeakin UniversityImpact of terror on international trade in financial services: Does the development of financial institutions matter?
60Thanh Le QuocUniversité Paris-SaclayA new framework for success factors of international equipment-technology transfer project with fuzzy analytical hierarchical process
61Dinh Thi Thanh BinhFTUSlack resources and export intensity: Implications for Vietnamese enterprises
62Le Nguyen, Beth Webster and Stephen PetrieSwinburne University of TechnologyVietnamese firms branding activities and export performance  
63Dung Ly-My, Thai-Ha Le and Donghyun ParkDa Lat UniversityFDI and environmental quality: Is greenfield FDI “greener” than cross-border M&A FDI?
64Ngoc Minh Nguyen, Luu Hanh Nguyen, Anh Hoang, Mai NguyenUEB – VNU
College of Business, Law and Governance
The environmental impacts of green bonds: Does institutional quality matter?
65Professor  Robert BreunigTax and Transfer Policy Institute, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National UniversityUsing administrative data to evaluate COVID policy:  COVID-19 private pension withdrawals and unemployment durations in Australia
66Shafiun Nahin Shimul, A.K.M. Ghulam Hussain, Nigar NargisUICEstimating own- and cross-price elasticity of cigarette consumption by price tiers in Bangladesh  
67Maryam Mirza
Nguyen Ngoc Minh
Modeling the impact of changes in cigarette tax structure in Vietnam  
68Ana Mugosa and Mirjana CizmovicISEADistributional impact of tobacco tax in Montenegro
69Dragan Gligoric and Ljubisa MicicUBLEconomic costs of cigarette smoking in Bosnia and Herzegovina  
70Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Elias Einiö, Ralf Martin, Kieu-Trang Nguyen, John Van ReenenNorthwestern and CEPDo tax incentives increase firm innovation? An RD design for R&D, patents, and spillovers
71Thi Hang Banh and Mauro CaselliNUSForeign competition, skill premium, and product quality: Impact of Chinese competition on Mexican plants
72Anh Dao-Viet, Nguyen To-The, Phuong-Anh Nguyen-Thi, Chinh Hoang-DucUniversity of Economics and Business, VNUTFP impacts of locational determinants: Evidence from Vietnamese manufacturing firms
73Sunil Kumar
and Rachita Gulati
South Asian University
Indian Institute of Technology
Identifying bank productivity convergence clubs: Evidence from India
74Ian Coxhead and Nguyen Dinh Tuan VuongUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonLooking to the future? Skill premia and human capital investments in Vietnam
75Sandy Juli MaulanaArticle 33 IndonesiaCommodity price shocks and human capital investments: Evidence from Indonesia
76Nguyen Thi Linh Linh and Do Huu LuatUEHParental employment and child cognitive development: Does wage employment matter?
77Yuki Higuchi, Keisaku Higashida, Mosharraf M. Hossain, Mohammad Sujauddin, Ryo Takahashi and Kenta TanakaKwansei Gakuin UniversityFrom hospitality to hostility: Impact of the Rohingya refugee influx on the host communities’ sentiment
78Kiet T. Nguyen, Jack Knetsch, and Jichuan ZongCan Tho UniversityComparisons of conclusions from identical questions in five different types of survey: Evidence of significant between-survey inconsistencies from China and Vietnam
79Bach Duy Nguyen
Hai-Anh Tran and Ha Nguyen Van
Aston University
Banking Academy of Vietnam
“I can’t get it out of my mind, but that’s OK”, How rumination about a crisis influences entrepreneurs’ pivot engagement
80Tran Cong ChinhCentre for Community Support and Development StudiesWho cares more about the environment?  An Empirical study in Vietnam  
81Niccolo Bonifai, Edmund J. Malesky and Nita RudraDuke UniversityWilling to learn: How economic uncertainty can enhance trade literacy among disadvantaged groups: Evidence from a field experiment in Vietnam
82Nguyen Quang DongInstitute of Public Policy and Media DevelopmentLocal governments’ implementation of personal data protection on online government-citizen interaction interfaces: A 2022 review  
83Giang Thanh LongNEUAging population in Vietnam population in Vietnam, indicators and related socio-economic and health issues.  
84Pham Ngoc ToanInstitute of Labour Science and Social AffairsImpact of changes in population’s age structure on productivity in Vietnam  
85Pham Minh ThaiCenter for Analysis and ForecastingUnpaid care and domestic work by older person in Vietnam   
86Trinh Thai QuangInstitute of Family and Gender of the Vietnam Academy of Social SciencesLiving arrangements and wellbeing of older persons in Vietnam   
87Nguyen Dang TueSchool of Economics and Business, Hanoi University of Science and TechnologyAn empirical investigation on subjective financial wellbeing and life satisfaction of older adults in Vietnam   
88Tran Bich ThuyHelpAge International VietnamInter-generational self-help clubs (ISHC): A community-based comprehensive model in Vietnam in promoting healthy aging.  
89Jasmina Arifovic, Isabelle Salle and Hung Quang TruongSimon Fraser UniversityHistory-dependent monetary regime and endogenous credibility: experiments and simulations
90Moon Oulatta and Duong PhamGustavus College, USAMonetary policy and asset returns in Vietnam  
91Nguyễn Huy TrụUniversity of Missouri-Kansas CityThe indispensable role of monetary sovereignty to the state in economics: The examples of Korea as the Chosŏn state (1392 – 1910) and South Korea (1961 – 1984)
92Guido Bonatti and Chuong Tien NguyenQueen Mary University of LondonTVP panel VAR with stochastic volatility: A quasi-Bayesian local likelihood approach
93Professor Luigi MittoneDepartment of Economics and Management, University of Trento, ItalI want to pay! – Identifying the Unconditional Tax Propensity (UTP)
94Andrej Drygalla, Katja Heinisch, and Christoph Friedrich SchultHalle Institute for Economic ResearchDynamic general equilibrium model for climate resilient economic development. The case of Vietnam
95Yen Boi Ha
Etienne Espagne, Kenneth Houngbed and Ngo Duc Thanh
ETHZEffect of typhoons on economic activities in Vietnam: Evidence using satellite imagery.
96Representative from Department of Science, Education, Natural Resources and Environment (MPI),Updates on COP 27 and Vietnam’s Net zero emission pathway
97Christoph Friedrich SchultHalle Institute for Economic ResearchPower generation and structural change: Quantifying economic effects of the coal phaseout in Germany
98Minh Ha DuongCIRED, CNRSHow to finance Vietnam’s power system development?  
99Bhaskar Jyoti NeogIndian Institute of Technology JammuIntergenerational transmission of human capital in India: The role of gender and the extended family
100Pham Phuong ThaoFTUInvestigating the effects of key drivers on household consumption on higher education in Vietnam
101Dai Duong, and Anh PhamFTUFostering work capability: Perspectives from individual, family, and capital
102Trinh Thi Huong
Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai, Dao Thi Thanh Binh, Trang Mai Nguyen, Vy Thao Vuong, Tuyen Thi Thanh Huynh, Thanh Thi Duong, and Stef de Haan
Thuong Mai UniversityDiet quality index and food choices motive in Vietnam: The role of sensory appeal, mood, convenience, and familiarity
103Minh Tam Bui and Ivo VlaevSrinakharinwirot UniversityAltruistic care for the elderly in Thailand: A gender perspective
104Kien Le and My NguyenHo Chi Minh City Open UniversityThe impacts of temperature shocks on birth weight in Vietnam
105Lamont Bo Yu, Trang My Tran, Monash University – MalaysiaMonash University – MalaysiaRevitalizing the Silk Road: Evidence from railway infrastructure investments in northwest China
106André Schmitt
Tran Thi Minh Tram
Université de Strasbourg
Financial socialization and its impact on personal finance management behavior and financial satisfaction in Vietnam.
107Tran Cam Tu, Do Khanh Linh, Doan Thanh Huyen, Ngo Thi Thanh Hien, and Pham Thanh VinhNEUTesting the relationship between employer brand dimensions and job satisfaction with the mediating effect of organizational identification: A study from Vietnam
108Quach Thu Thuy and Phan Tran Trung DungFTUFactors affecting individual investors satisfaction on financial products and exit decisions on Vietnam stock market
109Nguyen Thu Thuy, Nguyen Manh Ha, Hoang Long Thinh, Vu Khanh Linh, and Hoang Huy KhoiFTUCausal linkages among asset classes: The evidence from Vietnam
110Phan Thi Kim NuongFulbright University VietnamThe effectiveness of labor supply and consequences of Covid-19 on the Vietnam economy.
111Phạm Thị Cam Anh, Nguyen Mai Phương, Nguyen Hương Giang, Phạm Ngọc Mai LinhFTUShift of online consumer purchasing behavior in Vietnam during the Covid-19 and in the new normal context
112Tran Nguyen Lan and Nguyen Thi HienFTUHow the global stock markets react to the Covid-19 pandemic events – Perspectives from the cultural dimensions
113Pham Thi Bich Ngoc, Nguyen Tra Lam Thao and Dang Huynh Anh DuyHoa Sen UniversityLogistics performance and international trade: Evidence from an emerging economy
114Nguyen Ngoc DiepThuong Mai UniversityVietnam’s seafood imports under the potential impact of the Vietnam – EFTA FTA: An application of SMART model
115Nguyen Ngoc Bich, Vu Thi Phuong Mai, and Nguyen Thuy HienFTUDeterminants of bilateral trade flows between Vietnam and the European Union: An Ex-post analysis approach
116Luu Ngoc HiepVNUThe Impact of Organizational Culture on Corporate Tax Avoidance
117Hiep Tran-Duc, Hang Nguyen-Thu, Chinh Hoang-Duc, Nguyen To-The, Vuong Vu-Tien, Tuan Nguyen-Anh and Huong Nguyen-Thi-LanVNU University of Economics and BusinessGovernmental support and multidimensional poverty alleviation: Efficiency assessment in Vietnam
118Nguyen Hoang Lan and Hoang Thi Khanh LyFTUThe impact of capital structure on firm performance: Evidence from Vietnam
119Dao Kim TungErasmus University RotterdamIs globalization good for sustainable development? A multi-dimensional approach with self-meta-analysis (SMA)
120Nguyen Viet CuongIS- VNUWhy Do Team Leaders Perform Better than Team Members? Evidence from an Experiment
121Le Thanh Thuy, Vu Thi Phuong Dung, Vu Thi Phuong AnhFTUA bibliometric review on Learning organization across Asia-Pacific countries: dataset from Scopus between 1995 and 2020

VEAM 2022 kindly thanks our dear speakers, sponsors and audience for contributing to the success of the event. Hopefully we can partner up and work together in the future events.

VEAM Organizing Committee 2022.